As I wrote this morning, I was up early tinkering with the diesel. It’s running fine, but there is still a tiny water and oil leak. I will get to the bottom of this!
So around 1000, I was getting ready to fire up the beast and maybe motor over to the pumpout station. I heard a noise outside, and went to see who was there.
That is how I ended up sailing with a random family that I, quite literally, plucked off the dock. They, big Dave, little Dave and Shawnette, were just looking at boats. Big Dave said they had just bought a 25 foot sailboat, but they had no idea how to work it.
“Wanna go sailing? I’ll show you some of the basics.”
So off we went. I showed them some basics as we short-tacked out the marina channel and out the Richmond shipping channel. Assured them the boat could not flip over, and it was supposed to be heeled over like that.
Little Dave was doing his best to understand. Shawnette seemed to pick up on the concepts almost immediately. I think it just clicks for some people. Big Dave is going to need some serious practice before he gets the hang of it.
We were out for about 4 hours. Sunny, pretty warm, the usual weekend fleet out and about, and races over at Olympic Circle. Came in. Went to pumpout. Flushed the engine. The weather has been so perfect lately. I will have to sail again sometime this week. Or maybe take care of some more projects…. I’m kind of in my project-doing groove, I think.