Good grief, I have finally replaced the starter switch for the engine. I was out there the other day and, after an unexpected drive to San Rafael for parts (why do I always forget that nothing is ever standard on this old Volvo MD7A engine?) everything is back up and running. I ran the engine for a good long while, including under load, charging up the batteries in the process.

So the problem with a sailing blog is that it’s easy to see when I haven’t been sailing in awhile! The last five or so months have been so busy; I am unhappy to admit that I have not taken Amelia out sailing at all this year. I’ve simply stopped by a few times to check on things, hose her down and tidy things up. I’m planning some sailing trips for July and will be sending out email announcements soon. If you’re not on the email list, check let me know.

I’ve emailed LiveJournal to get the syndication link to this blog fixed. Hopefully this post will show up on LiveJournal once that is done.

I may start posting more general sailing information (as opposed to just my own sailing trips) to make this place a little more interesting and to keep my mind more involved with what’s going on in the sailing community.

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