I did evening sails Tuesday and today. I think I have figured out a good way to run these short sails from 6pm to about 9pm: sail out the channel, sail close-hauled (and usually reefed!) out toward Red Rock or Paradise Cove (depending on wind direction), ease off on to a reach toward Southampton Shoal, then downwind back to Richmond. Quick, fun, kind of goes somewhere.

Tuesday was Nick, Lorraine and Audrey. Today was Bruce, Judy, John and Ike. I have to admit, tonight’s group really worked out well. The four of them all seemed to hit it off well.

As for the sailing, it was fun and a bit vigorous. We saw three huge ships coming in to Richmond as we stayed out of their way and dodged all of the tugs hanging out in that part of the bay. I managed to get a nice solid reef in place, and the mainsail shape looked good.

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