The sailboat half a mile ahead of us is heeled way over, mast bouncing up and down in the gusts. I let the mainsheet way out, and climb up to the windward side. Carefully, I crawl to the mast and wrap my legs around it, to hold on and still use my hands.
Ahead of us the whitecaps are building a little, and gusts show their progress as moving wrinkles across the waves. I look forward as a gust comes across the bow. It’s a strange feeling, hanging on. The rail is in the water, and we’re still moving despite the loosened main. A shudder goes through the boat, but she’s hanging on, staying on her feet. It probably feels more ferocious than it really is.
Ease the halyard, lessen sail area, complete the reef. Crawl back and trim the sails. She leaps to her feet and bolts across the slot. I quietly hope the wind doesn’t get too much stronger.