Saturday I went sailing with Cathy and Alexia. We sailed to SF, and called South Beach on the radio to see if there was space to dock for lunch. They were full, but suggested we try Pier 38. I didn’t even know they had dockage available, but sure enough they had space for us. It was pretty obvious the harbormaster just made up a rate, so I figure next time I can pull in there and haggle a deal. This may be my little “local knowledge” trick from now on.
We took a cab up to the Fog City Diner and Cathy treated us to lunch. Then we took the F-line trolley down the Embarcadero, and transfered to the N-Judah to get back to Pier 38. So many forms of transportation in one day!
After we pulled away from the Cityfront, the wind picked up quite a bit, so I climbed forward as the boat was struggling to stay on her feet, and reefed the main. That made things much for bearable, and we had a fast sail across the slot. By the time we got back, the sun was setting. We motored in to the marina after dark, quickly put things away, and I headed back to SF.
This week I need to replace a floorboard that broke on the boat, and replace the bulb in the stern light.